Welcome to AppifyWP! You can replace this message with your app's description by modifying your AppifyWP Settings.
For further help be sure to check out the getting started guide below.
This section will show until you've created and assigned a custom menu and will help guide you in setting up your AppifyWP powered site.
Each section of content on your homepage is treated as a “page” in wordpress. This getting started guide is a section of content. "Posts" is another section.
For example, if you want one section to show your app's version history, and another section to show customer testimonials, you create 2 pages, one for “Version History”, and one for “Testimonials”.
Once you've created pages of your sections, you use "Menus" to tell AppifyWP what sections to show on your homepage and in which order.
This is where the magic of AppifyWP happens. With a custom menu, you tell Wordpress which pages you want to display as sections of content on your homepage and in which order to display them. AppifyWP will build a fancy menu and display your page content based on this.
If you have any questions at all, contact me personally using the support form.